May 26, 2009

A bit of downtime

Yes I'm still living and my fingers are still in working form...its just so damn busy around here that I don't find the quiet time to sit and reflect (our blog). Things come and go so fast its hard to keep up!

Dylan and Riley just wrapped up their spring hockey league last week, and so we are now enjoying a practice free week before T-Ball starts next Tuesday and then on top of that summer hockey starts the week after. That means 2-3 nights a week will be spent chasing them over the next 2 months. Both are pretty excited to play T-Ball and since grandma bought them some baseball pants they think they are hot stuff. They've been practicing in the yard and can run the bases at lightning speed. Hitting off a tee is pretty simple, but I get the giggles when I think ahead to what'll happen next week when it comes time for them to play an orchestrated game with 10 other 4-6 yr olds. I'll be sure to have the camera rolling.

Brady...what can I say- other than this kid is on the go. Walking at just a few weeks after his 1st birthday and hasn't slowed down since. He always wants to be where the action is or doing what everyone is doing and if you don't let him~ he lets you have it. Its hard to accept I've been dealt a child much like myself ...curious and INDEPENDENT!! Thankfully for the most part his charm and humor trump the rebel inside and I love him to pieces.

Brady is starting to say a few basic words like Mom, Dad, Done and a few others that we can at least understand ("Gawk" = Book, "Ha" = Hi, "S" = Yes). He is really good at mimicking sounds, especially animal sounds, and shows great interest in other simple words (ball, hat, milk)- trying to sound them out. In the meantime he uses baby signs for MILK, EAT, PLEASE, MORE, THANK YOU, and DONE to clue us in. In addition he's entertaining us all by experimenting with the many different tones, volumes, and sound effects he can make.

The triumphs and trials