October 15, 2008

There is Freedom outside of healthcare...

Over the past month I've been out of the office a bunch and on the road...Something very different from the 6 years spent within the walls of MeritCare. In addition to the supervision of the call center, I travel the region performing outreach to those other communities we serve. This has sent me to the smaller communities of Hibbing, Virginia, Cloquet, Moose Lake and more. Its been a great opportunity to see the beautiful scenery of NE Minnesota. And at the perfect time of the year, as the leaves are turning. The drives so far have been within 90 miles of Duluth, so nothing thats keeping me from home in the evening, but as I soon venture to the far northeast of Ely or Grand Marais, I may have to take the family and make it a little get-a-way trip. There are some pretty nice sky resorts up there at the tip of NE MN that'll we'll have to check out. Brad and the boys can ski, and I'll just check out the spa :-)
Aside from the traveling liberties I get to wear jeans EVERY FRIDAY!! And... I don't have to pay for it! While at MeritCare you'd have to pay $25+ so you could wear jeans 5 days out of the whole year. Ironically that money went to United Way. Even though I don't have to pay to wear jeans every week, I still donate to United Way, for the fun of it.
Speaking of United Way... Our fundraising campaign is successfully underway. With the crappy economy some may not be able to give as much as before, but the important thing is that they still give what they can. Hopefully we reach our goal this year, as the need is even greater within those agencies we fund. And although I really have nothing to do with the campaign I still need to give a pitch to "LIVE UNITED". I just finished my quarterly report and found that there is a 44% increase in referrals (through 2-1-1)to basic need services (food, housing, financial assistance) from this time last year. All the more reason to give to your local United Way.

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