November 07, 2008

Cute Moments

From what I recall, Dylan and Riley never seemed to mind hoods and hats on their heads or getting bundled up for the cold as babies or toddlers, or even now. Brady on the other hand...extends his belly, grunts and moans, and wrestles with his mitts, hoods and hats. That kid whips off his toque as soon as you look away. However this was one moment that he actually didn't mind his cute little hood.

We were getting ready to leave the house the other day, and he was patiently waiting for the rest of us... just sitting there looking so cute with his little tassel hoodie.

Most days there is always a basket of clean laundry around, just waiting to get folded... and since the Laundry Queen hasn't been here for a while and won't be here until next month... I've recruited the boys to help out. 97% of the things are left for Mommy to fold, but they do a great job with socks, washcloths and under ware.

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