No Baby yet... I'm sure some of you were wondering since I haven't posted a blog in awhile. Just been busy chasing after the other 2. As you can see in the above pictures they were swimming this past weekend. LOVED every minute of it!! This was the first time they braved the "big pool" with just their water wings and didn't need to cling onto the wall or a person. They were actually swimming by themselves and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Which it was, for all of us. Just a month ago when we had them swimming they would let go for less than a minute, before reaching out for security. So to see them kicking around and floating on their backs by themselves was quite the milestone. Last summer they used the water wings and other floaties a bit but preferred to be touching ground, so this summer will be interesting at the lake.
Of course they had to take a snack break here and there, so that's when I was able to get the great muscle shots! Riley was the tough guy, and Dylan was his charming self for the photo shoot. Overall we had a good weekend with Nana and Papa staying at our house, and Mommy got some relief from cooking and cleaning as Nana took charge (I only wish her son would have picked up some of those cleaning habits during his 18 yrs of life at home).
Today was another Doctor's appointment... Sadly there's little report as I've only progressed from a small 1 cm to 1.5 cm dilated. I've gained a grotesque amount of weight this last week on top of it. On the positve note, I'm certain he's dropping more and more, because walking and sitting are getting more "awkward". Since last Friday I've been more and more uncomfortable throughout the days and nights. I felt like a wimp complaining to my Doc today, but she reassured me it was normal to have more discomfort the second time around. Especially since I was stretched beyond normal with a full term (39 wk) twin pregnancy the first time. She commented that just because I had twins this shouldn't be any easier, and isn't surprised that I would be a little more uncomfortable at this stage in the game. I guess my stomach muscles aren't as tight as they once were, plus he's got the house to himself to kick and punch so the movements are stronger and more intense then with the twins, and to top it all off having 2 toddlers at home doesn't really allow for the rest and relaxation I got the first time around either. Oh yeah, and I'm still working full-time.
Its offically in the books... I'm scheduled to go in for an induction Monday March 17th... Unless he decides to come before than? Lucky kid... he could be a St.Patrick's day baby. It may not mean much during the early years, but having your birthday on St.Patty's day as an adult could be quite fun. Auntie Denice and I will have to break him in with the 2029 St.Patty's day run ;-)
I'm glad to see that you guys had such a great time this past weekend. I'm sure it was a relief for you to get some relaxing time in while you had a chance. I can't get over that you still haven't gone into labor. I know I was wondering if you had the little guy yet since you didn't have a chance to blog. But now I know your still on the go. Glad to see the pictures that were up and oh my gosh those boys have grown so fast. Well keep me posted. Take it easy and hang in there, your doing a great job!
Great pics! Hang in there - you have hardly any time left, and then you'll eventually be missing feeling him kicking from the inside. Holler if I can do anything to help these last couple weeks - I know how taxing it is chasing the two big kids while juggling a giganto belly. You'll make it, though. : )
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