July 22, 2008

Back to School

Along with yesterday being my first day at work it was also the First day of school/daycare for the kids. Of course Dylan and Riley loved it, and talked my ear off the whole way home. But as we were getting in the van Riley asked "Mommy how was your first day at work?" Sweet thing... Not only was he being thoughtful, he was interested, because he asked me "did you eat lunch with your new friends too?"

They couldn't remember their teachers names, but found the bathroom when needed, and even took a nap. When I tucked them in last night, Dylan told me I forgot to send their blankets for nap time... ??? I told the teachers they didn't have to take naps unless they need/want one??? Being a month shy of 4 they haven't been napping much any more... just the occasional day here and there when the 'tude is hot. But when the teachers asked them if they napped at home, they said yes, so off they went with the nappers... the teacher said the fell asleep right away (never happens like that at home). Well, Dylan was kinda upset, because he didn't have his own blanket, so they gave him one to use and it was a "girl blanket". "Mommy they gave me a pink blanket...I'm not a girl you know." So I was sure to send the hockey blankets today.

Brady, Brady, Brady.... Mr. Brady hasn't been the best little sleeper lately... He's been waking Mommy and Daddy more than usual and putting up a huge fuss with going back to bed. It was so bad Sunday night (yes the night before my first day on the job) that Brad popped him in the car seat/stroller and took him out in the cold for a walk at 3am. I think I got maybe 3 hours of sleep that night. Anyway, after that big production I was nervous about what his first day at daycare would be like. Brady's got 2 sides to him... He's either Really Happy and SUPER smiley, or screaming Pissed Off until you make him happy again. I think daycare candy coated it a bit for my benefit, but they said he did very well. Took his bottle with no problems, napped fairly well and was smiley smiley.
This time around I definitely didn't feel has terrible of a parent leaving my baby at daycare... The second time around, you've got the sense to keep your mind from playing out all those terrible scenarios, and trust a bit easier that your baby is in good hands. Everyone is welcome back and excited to go back tomorrow.

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