(Dylan's in the Blue shirt and Riley's in the Orange)
The 3 boys and I had a picnic lunch in the van after swimming (yes Brady too) before heading to the zoo. On a full stomach and a sunny day we set out first to the barnyard for some a hands on experience. Dylan and Riley were able to go into the gate with the animals and wonder around with goats, a Llama, a donkey and geese. They weren't exactly comfortable with the animals being able to brush right up against them, so it was a quick visit on that side of the gate. I don't blame them though... If I were in the shadow of a Llama who towered over me I'd be nervous too... Heck I'm as tall as the thing and I was still intimidated. Too cool off a little we visited the Nocturnal house with bats, and other weird creatures. Riley, my little "Batman", thought for sure those big ugly looking bats were from the "Bat Cave" but didn't like how dark the place was. Next was a long jaunt back to the back of the Zoo where the Northwest Territory animals reside...the kids gripped the whole walk there, and then the darn animals were hiding in the shade so we couldn't even see them anyway. But just around the corner was the highlight of our trip... The Polar Bear. We got there just as he was having a very playful swim with his red ball. For a good 10 minutes he splashed, rolled and swam around before retreating to his nap too. He was just like a baby playing with that ball. We stopped by a few different times afterward in hopes of catching him at play again, but he was taking a snooze.
They had a little learning center with various small species of animals, that they would bring out of their cages and let the children explore more with them... asking questions, touching and posing for pictures. It just so happened we got in on the Millipede demonstration... although they are gross looking, at least it wasn't one of the rodents they have on exhibit...Bleck. Both Dylan and Riley braved the experience and touch the wormy little thing, after Mommy did first of course (quick where's the Purell). They lady was telling us about this little critter, and mentioned that Millipede's don't have eyes... So Dylan asked "why?" Which he reasonable answered "because they eat stuff on the ground?" The lady went on to describe that they are recyclers, eating waste on the ground and in turn making fertilizer for the soil. In which Dylan translated into "Yuck, he eats his POOP!" Guess he made the full circle connection on that one ;-)
As the afternoon progressed the big boys complained of walking, the heat and dying of thirst... it was getting hot, and all the furry animals were resting in the shade anyway. So we called it quits after almost 3 hrs. However Dylan and Riley couldn't leave the zoo without a train ride around the park, so off they went, and sleeping Brady and I waited in the shade. Brady's first trip to the zoo may not be very memorable, as he was asleep the whole time, but a good solid nap is a good thing for him these days, so it was a great day for us all.
I love the photos of your boys at the zoo! It looks like they were having fun! Suzi
Good Luck on your first day on the job. I know you will do great. I look forward to the updates on you and the boys.
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