Dylan and Riley have started swimming lessons this week... they are the guys in the matching shorts. They are in Level 1, which means they are old enough now, that they don't need a parent to swim with them... Yippee!! (I've been holding out on swimming lessons for this reason) As I looked around at the other kids in level one I was a little nervous...Dylan and Riley were by far the youngest and smallest in their group. I heard the other kids belt out their age... most being 5 & 6. So I was a bit worried they were too young for the class, but the teachers didn't flinch and they boys pulled their weight just fine. I thought I had waited too long to get them in to swimming.
So the first day was spent getting them comfortable with the water and being in there without a security device (parent or floaties). They put a neat platform in the pool so the kids heads are above water without having to hold onto the wall the whole time. So right there they felt more confident.
On the way home they were so excited about swimming lessons, and talked about how they would "dunk all the way under tomorrow". So tomorrow (Tuesday) rolled around and they followed through with their plan perfectly. There was a little spitting and sputtering after the first couple times, but then it was old hat from there. The dunk their face under in the tub, but I guess the pool is a bit more intimidating?
(Holy crap... I almost lost this whole post... Brady managed to hit Ctrl A - and then a few random keys, to delete everything. Thank goodness for autosave! He likes to watch my fingers dance around, so I let him sit on my lap and try catch them- cheap entertainment.)
Anyway... I'm so glad that they love swimming lessons. Next to the Erskine Water Carnival it seems to be the highlight of their summer.
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