June 28, 2008

Ding Ding Ding... And the Winner is ME!

I GOT THE JOB!!!! I got a call Thursday afternoon from the United Way president offering me the 211 Coordinator position, and then she emailed me the benefit/salary info. I alomst died when I saw the salary...because it was so terrible!! But thankfully I was able to come up with some creative strategies to propose to her, which would allow them to hike it up to a more desireable range. So in the end it worked out... and because I'm gonna love the job, the mediocre salary isn't a big deal. I just had to make sure that in the end I would be bringing home some bacon, after daycare expenses. So YIPPEE for me... I got a job.

It just so happened that same morning when I got all 3 boys enrolled in the same daycare center. We had our name on the list for the new center that opens Sept 1. but they were able to finagle a few things to get them in their current location (that is otherwise full) for the 5-6 weeks before Sept 1. It was all just falling into place!

Then to top off my day, my wonderful hubby sent me a beautiful boquet of flowers, with congrats on the new job... Ahhh!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Katie on the new job. I know you will be great~~ how awesome that daycare fell into place all at the same time too. Yahoo!! Enjoy the rest of your time off before you start working again.

Lynnsey :)


Congrats on the job! Enjoy the rest of the time that you have off with the kids. I'm glad to hear that everything is working out and the kids got into the same daycare center.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you this weekend!


The triumphs and trials