June 24, 2008

Round 2

Well today was the big interview at United Way... Got off to a slow start, but then really nailed it. I really let my personality show through so I'm putting all my eggs in that basket... only to find that, that's what they were really looking for. A confident, motivative and innovative person. The only hang up on this job, is the salary... Sound like it may not be worth it, after I subtract daycare expenses :-( If offered the position, there may have to be some negotiations. I'm so torn... This sounds like a dream job.

Because I was on top of my wardrobe this time around, I don't have any real comical events from this morning. A few charming ones though... Dylan and Riley asked why I was all dressed up and where I was going. When I told them for an interview to get a job, they just knodded and went back to watching cartoons. But later in the day over lunch Riley said "you don't get a job Mommy, just stay here with us." And then Dylan chimed in, "Yeah I'll build a garage house thing here and you can work here." How sweet... I think they're gonna miss me! As I will them.

Yeah sure we get on each others nerves throughout the day... But this has been my chance to catch up with those 2 and really spend some quality time with the. Sure its a juggle with the daily demands of an infant, but we squeeze our together time in each day. Because the past couple months life have been so busy and at times chaotic, Dylan and Riley have been forced to become more independent. From the simple things like getting their own water bottles from the fridge, and getting dressed on their own, to the more difficult challenges like resolving conflict with each other, and learning to make new friends. They've matured greatly with this whole experience, and now its time to slow down and have some fun with Mom at home. Often times I catch myself in anticipation of the next milestone or great accomplishment with all 3 of them, that I forget about the present. So my goal this week is to stop and smell the roses. SLOW DOWN and enjoy my children... With a job possibility just around the corner my days home with them may be limited...

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